Thursday, December 2, 2010

A word most people dosent fully understand.

To all who payed attention in history class do you all remember a word known as "Martial Law"? Well for those who dont know what that word is, it is is the imposition of military rule by military authorities over designated regions on an emergency basis—usually only temporary—when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, and provide essential services), when there are extensive riots and protests, or when the disobedience of the law becomes widespread. In most cases, military forces are deployed to quiet the crowds, to secure government buildings of key or sensitive locations, and to maintain order. Generally, military personnel replace civil authorities and perform some or all of their functions. The constitution could be suspended, and in full-scale martial law, the highest ranking military General would take over, or be installed, as the military governor or as head of the government, thus removing all power from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government. 

Now that you have an idea of what this thing we call Martial Law is now I will tell you how our government has used this idea in recent events. Some of you probably never watched the congress channel on television, which most of you should but thats besides the point. In our recent economic meltdown there was things done illegally right in front of your faces. Did you know on tv that the big banks and the federal reserve dared to tread on our rights. They told congress with back the executive branch(obama) that if they did not pass this bailout, Martial Law would be enacted and congress would be forced to pass it. When did the executive branch have to power to threaten the legislative branch with Martial Law during a time where we aren't in any type of war that threatens our security to the point when Military control is needed. Let me be clear when I tell you that the time of the RIGHTS THAT THOMAS JEFFERSON PROMISED US WILL BE GONE because think about it when the government really wants congress to do what they want they will enact Martial Law, also they will use it on us and practically already have. We have giving up our rights with these Airport scanners and searches, we have also allowed them to come into our homes if they wanted to so that they can "Ensure Security." Remember you are all American citizens we have rights, that being said why do we allow the government to do these things and our rights restrict these moves by them. I AM TELLING YOU ALL THIS BECAUSE, EVERYONE NEEDS TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES WITH OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS BECAUSE WE ARE THE ONES WITH POWER AND IF WE ALLOW THEM TO VIOLATE US, OUR POWER WILL SLIP AND OUR REPUBLIC WILL FALL IN TO A TOTALITARIAN COUNTRY

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