Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Reason For Starting This Blog

I feel compelled to begin this blog, despite all my instincts and better judgment.  I have always felt that voluntarily putting my opinions, beliefs, and ideas online for anyone to read was simply inviting surveillance and harassment.  However, in the last few months and at the behest of some for whom I have a deep respect and admiration, I have begun to reevaluate my position.  It is not that I don't believe I will be tracked and monitored - I am convinced I already am and will continue to be.  I simply feel that I cannot remain silent (in print) with what is currently happening to this country and the world in general.  We have fallen so far, so fast, that it now seems that we are entering the final stage of thermodynamic breakdown and collapse of every system: political, economic, social, etc.  Therefore, I begrudgingly have begun this blog. 

 If the worst does happen, I hope it will be taken as a testament to the fact that I am not delusional, paranoid, or crazy, but rather that I have analyzed the systems of domination and coercion that are in place as we move towards what many have termed the "New World Order".  Of course, I find the term to be slightly sophomoric, that is to say, a generalization of a very complex and interwoven fabric of many systems of control. However, for ease of use and understanding, take the term to be a synonym for elite, illuminati, anglo-american establishment, globalists, oligarchs, and any of the other myriad designations.  

What must be understood clearly is that, as one investigates, one finds that we live under the veil of countless lies and fraudulent ideologies fed to us by a controlled corporate media that has little to no interest in "the truth".  Moreover, this propaganda machine is far more nuanced and multi-faceted than simply the media.  It includes all educational institutions from primary schools to universities.  Another integral part of this machine is Hollywood.  Far being a source of fantasy, Hollywood desensitizes and, in fact, programs us to accept the inequities and barbarism that we see around us.  

One major facet of the propaganda machine is the creation and maintenance of what I will call Fraudulent Opposition.  Take this term to simply signify those authors, lecturers, journalists, philosophers, critics, etc. who place themselves in supposed opposition to systems of oppression and coercion in order to neutralize real opposition and channel the resulting energy into predetermined, acceptable venues.  The Fraudulent Opposition is a lightning rod specifically designed to attract the energies of dissidents and free-thinkers who have an innate, if not fully realized and conscious, dissatisfaction with the status quo.  The "Opposition" filters their information so as to control them through a sort of voluntary, intellectual manipulation.  Nowhere is this more evident than the 9-11 issue.  Noam Chomsky, perhaps the greatest, most renowned "dissident" in the world has completely rejected the possibility that 9-11 was more than an intelligence failure.  By doing so, Chomsky has fed his acolytes two separate but equally insidious lies: 1) that 9-11 was an atrocity committed by blood-thirsty terrorists for ideological reasons and 2) that those who believe that 9-11 was an "inside job" are clearly paranoid and delusional people who probably also believe we never landed on the moon or that Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster exist.  This is a dangerous conflation because, if we are to accept the 9-11 myth, then we are faced with the idea that the decisions made by our leaders for decades have brought the world to a binary conflict: good versus evil, peace-lovers versus terrorists.  This notion negates the idea that the world is much more complex.  

What if you woke up one day and found out that everything you thought you knew was a lie.  That what you thought was a struggle between good and evil is actually not a struggle but a necessary partnership between evil and evil.  How would you feel?

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